YOLO or Bust

B.O.A.T. shirt

{B.O.A.T. special edition “Chrissie” tee available here, Victoria’s Secret bikini, Céline sunnies}

About a month ago, something inside of my just clicked.

There was an Oprah Winfrey-esque aha! moment where I was  feeling more confident in my parenting, writing and even — dare I say it — my marriage to my college sweetheart. While I don’t want to blow rainbows, puppies and pixie dust up your ass (I know you get enough of those “Today is going to be an EPIC day!” graphics replete with a fluffy bunny on Facebook and the like), I wanted to share how this gravitation toward self-assurance evolved because, hey, everyone could use a little sound advice, right? And while the below may sound all-too familiar, well, we all need a nudge in the right direction when we feel down in the dumps.

Things have got to get shitty before the sunshine comes out to play. I broke my foot, I packed on 12 pounds, I felt left out on a few lucrative work deals, Breaking Bad is in its final hour, my husband works too much, I painfully miss my parents in N.J., yadda yadda yadda. You get it. Being an adult is hard. Being a working mom is hard, squared. Mentally, I needed to clear out the cobwebs, dust, guilt and baggage. But it takes a valley to savor the peak, capisce?

Stay positive and the baddies will disappear into ether. Here’s the thing about me… somehow I got the Power of Positivity gene that so many of us unfortunately feel we lack. The good news? You, too, can harness positivity even if you believe it’s not something which inherently resides within you (that in itself is a belief — not a reality! Flip the switch already). Aside from keeping a chin-up/glass-half-full outlook on life, I re-read books by Eckhart Tolle, follow people like Gabby Bernstein on Instagram (she’s the Queen of Self Affirmations), and indulge in my healthy hedonistic delights such as Pilates, perfecting recipes, teaching my kids how to play Uno and feeling the soothing slip-slap of the ocean on my  tummy. In other words, engage in dopamine-drip-inducing activities and keep a chipper outlook on things — the baddies will dissipate and the goodies will come. The Law of Attraction — like energy attracts like energy — works. If you want sunshine, well, you best manifest sunny sentiments. Just ask Chris Brown on that score.

Recognize the click and cling on to it like a tween on Justin Bieber. Remember that click I mentioned in the first sentence of this post? Feel it, embrace it, visualize it. Invite it into your core like a welcomed guest. In other words, acknowledge the shift and bow down to it. Ruminate in all its merry-making glory. The click is the shit! Cling on to it with dear life — and enjoy the high. Thank the Universe for this blessing and beckon it to stay a while.



  1. August 19, 2013 / 10:18 pm

    Hmmmmmm…..yes!!! To everything in the post…..except the baddes mentioned in the beginning.
    You are always an inspiration…the witty writing, fierce style, adorable kids…you’re doing something right because it shows genuinely in your kick-ass smile 🙂

    PS….adding Gabby to my Instagram feed ASAP!

  2. Cristina
    August 20, 2013 / 8:43 am

    “The click is the shit.” ahahahahahahaha

  3. Mayli
    August 20, 2013 / 9:45 am
  4. August 20, 2013 / 11:55 am

    Thank you for this brilliant post. It’s a definite “put things in perspective” read. One I am sure I will read and re-read. I appreciate it the inspiration. i would add that while waiting for the “click”- indulge more in the things you love and don’t skimp on doing good things for others- God and the universe have a magnificent way of rewarding us with those moments.

  5. Elise
    August 20, 2013 / 12:16 pm

    You are a ray of light!! You exude awesomeness even if you used your coffee filter as toilet paper!!!

  6. August 20, 2013 / 12:34 pm

    youre awesome wordy!!! always feel inspired, amused and happy by your words, so mission accomplished my friend! u infect everyone with positivity and that’s an amazing thing to be able to do!

  7. August 20, 2013 / 12:51 pm

    Love this post!!! Very inspiring and uplifting. You look adorable too. xoxo

  8. August 20, 2013 / 1:24 pm

    Love this! And love youuuuu. You are such an inspiration to live an epic life. I love the quote “It takes the valley to savor the peak” VERY TRUE! Sometimes we have to stop the pity party and find what “clicks” 😉

  9. August 20, 2013 / 3:19 pm

    nothing wrong with a little pixie dust up the tush every once in awhile. LOVE this!

  10. August 24, 2013 / 1:58 am

    Definitely needed to read this, been down in the dumps way too much recently.

  11. August 26, 2013 / 6:03 am

    Beautifully written, my friend!

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