About The Wordy Girl AKA Maria Tettamanti

Thewordygirl.com is a funny blog about serious fashion, travel, beauty and food penned by Maria Andy Tettamanti. Maria is also a Miami-based journalist for The Miami Herald, Ocean Drive and Miami.com. She is an HSN Guest Host and appears regularly on the Home Shopping Network. Additionally, Maria writes for Saks Fifth Avenue and The Standard Hotel on their corporate blogs. Known by all as The Wordy Girl, Maria has published works in USA Today, Allure, Us Weekly and Life & Style publications. From an online standpoint, Maria has published pieces on Daily Candy, Urban Daddy, MSN, Refinery29 and OceanDrive.com. She is also a Social Media Ninja and handles the social media for several high-brow businesses. Did we mention she’s a mystery blogger too? Yes, she anonymously blogs on behalf of other individuals. So cool, we know!

Maria is often asked if she’s Cuban due to her incessant use of the word, “Aye!” but here’s the real deal: She was raised in the idyllic seaside town of Cape May, New Jersey by her super Greek parents who eventually tired of the cold weather and moved to sunny Coconut Grove, Florida. In the Sunshine State, Maria attended Ransom Everglades High School and graduated from the University of Florida with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism. After numerous full-time editor roles in the rough-and-tumble world of magazines, Maria now freelances from her home because she is vehemently allergic to cubicles. And mean bosses. And office dress codes. In fact, Maria prefers to work in her pajamas with an unwashed face. Doesn’t everyone?

Married to her college sweetheart, Sebastian, Maria is the mother of two brilliant children who will most likely grow up to decipher the cure to cancer, win Pulitzer prizes or become Bravo TV executives. Or all three. On this quirky blog, Maria shares her words on designer fashion, luxury travel, current beauty trends and personal development — and whatever whims come to her mind on that particular day.  Folks like her blog so much, The Wordy Girl has been featured live on the Today Show and Sirius XM Radio and has been featured in an ELLE magazine spread. The Wordy Girl was named Miami’s #1 Fashion Blog in 2015 by Racked.com. Maria has collaborated with brands such as Saks Fifth Avenue, Chanel, Neiman Marcus, ELLE Magazine, GAP, Burberry, Audi, Cadillac, OMEGA watches, Warby Parker, Lululemon, Target, Comcast, Soho Beach House and more. Giving back to the community is tantamount, too, Maria donates her time to non-profit organizations such Style Saves, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Miami Rescue Mission, Fashionably Conscious and Milk + Bookies. And when not sweating her next assignment over a hot keyboard, Maria can be found chasing her two toddlers, at Target, Facebooking, Twittering, Pinning, Instagramming, viewing horrid reality television programming or shopping. More of the last one, really.


  1. April 3, 2017 / 3:15 pm

    Collaboration with studio of permanent makeup BeautyLab by JR Miami.
    Hello, Maria!
    I represent a studio of permanent makeup BeautyLab by JR Miami https://www.facebook.com/BeautyLab.JR.USA/?ref=bookmarks.
    I’m writing to offer collaboration to promote the studio through publications on your facebook page and in your blog.
    In return you will get the procedure of permanent makeup personally by Julia Romanycheva for free. The real value of the procedure equals 600 to 800$.
    Julia Romanycheva is a renowned and really highly qualified master in permanent makeup from Russia. She has developed a unique techniquee of pmu, which is called ‘microshading’. It imitates natural coloures of face very successfully. To make sure, watch the photoes from our facebook account.
    We count on starting collaboration as soon, as possible.

  2. July 19, 2017 / 1:24 pm

    Hi Maria, I love your blog. I believe it is so creative and well-organized. You have done a great job and continue to expand internationally.

    I have my own inspirational website in hopes of uplifting and motivating people, allowing them to know there are still wonderful people in this world. I would love for you to check it out and leave me feedback on what you think about it.

  3. March 12, 2018 / 2:45 pm

    Hi Maria
    I’d love to send you vouchers for our Italian gelato which is now available from Publix. Its completely different from any other gelato as its actually made in Italy the traditional way and it tastes absolutely awesome (plus its gluten free, lower in fat, kosher, blah blah blah). But it TASTES so good. I’d love to offer free vouchers to your top fans too – but thats obviously your choice. Could you email me: [email protected] if you would like to try some?
    Thanks, Nigel, GelARTo Inc.

  4. May 7, 2020 / 11:14 am


    We are a new Beach Wear, Swimwear and Resort wear brand who are looking to wok with influencers to create brand awareness and sales from our amazing website http://www.Gogaswimwear.com.

    We are based out of Pembroke Pines and would love to hear back from you on how we can get this rolling.

    Thank You

  5. July 8, 2023 / 4:42 pm


    I have loved your content and being in the same fitness and lifestyle, we’d love to collaborate for our protein shaker brand called https://beyondshakers.com/. We’re scaling and aiming to offer gym accessories too.

    I am CEO at Beyond Shakers and please get in touch with me.

  6. truth teller
    July 16, 2023 / 11:33 am


    you are one old lady trying to be funny !!! your tits are saggy down to the floor & fat . please act your age . your not fashionable at all and you have no waist.

    you think your extremely famous …. and that’s not the case.

    • The Wordy Girl
      August 11, 2023 / 9:30 pm

      Thanks for the compliments! Have a great day:)

  7. bfghjjj
    October 19, 2024 / 3:28 pm

    Everyone at the sales gallery makes fun of her . in houses with receptionists say this woman is ugly as hell

    • The Wordy Girl
      October 25, 2024 / 11:03 am

      You need a hug:)

  8. Iris
    October 19, 2024 / 7:28 pm

    🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 this woman is annoying as fuck !!!

    • The Wordy Girl
      October 25, 2024 / 11:04 am

      Pop off, Queen!

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