Cook This: Lentil Soup

You’re hungry. But you’re craving something warm and hearty. But hold the protein! What’s a gal or guy to cook? Lentil soup. Le duh! This…

My Ideal Winter Aesthetic

Yesterday, I woke up to 60-degrees weather (Read: Winter in Miami…HA!) and felt the need to wear my coveted teddy bear coat. I know, dramatic.…

Read This: The Things We Cannot Say

My bibliophile “likes” include: Tomes set during World War Two and books written from the perspective of different characters. So it’s no small wonder I…

Fall 2021 Fashion Tip

Seeing as 2021 is already a complete shitshow, my Fall 2021 fashion tip? Wear a handbag big enough to hold a bottle of wine. Or…

My Fave Sheets

If these sheets are good enough for Oprah, then you better believe they are good enough for me! I’m talking about Cozy Earth Bedding. Sourced…

Best Shows of 2020

Well. We did it. We made it to the end of the year, and while there are probably a long list of people and vices…

Cook This: Macaroni and Cheese

It’s cheesy. Gooey. Did I mention it’s delicious? I spotted my friend Shannon making this Barefoot Contessa overnight mac and cheese recipe so I had…