Can We Just fast Forward to Tonight’s Episode of Shahs of Sunset Already?

maria tettamanti

“I really want to punch this Monday hard in the face,” I whined to my husband this morning.

This was followed by a long silence because I have zero room to complain because in light of what’s really going on in this world (SERIOUS ISSUES: the earthquake victims inย Nepal, the unrest in Baltimore, never-ending innocent murders in Syria, Africa and beyond. TOTALLY NOT SO SERIOUS ISSUES: Pacquiao lost to that wifebeater, Tiger Woods and Lydsey Vonn split, and Sofia Vergara‘s lame-o ex wants to bring her frozen embryos to term because he’s a complete jackass.)

And here I am in bed, just yearning to stay in because I’m just not feeling it. But there’s lunches to be made. Kids to be fed, dressed and dropped off at school. Assignments to write. Emails that need to responding. Pick up. A veterinarian visit. Homework (I curse the creator of homework โ€” they’re right up there with Sofia’s ex in my book). Dinner to be cooked. And so much more crap but ALL I WANT TO DO IS STAY IN BED BECAUSE THE AC IS AT THE PERFECT 70 DEGREES AND I’M JUST OH-SO TIRED. You feel my flow? Of course you do because you, too, are human.

But I drag my ass out of bed and do the whole morning routine (all jacked up on two cups of coffee, obviously). I even muster the strength to charge through a FlyWheel class (where I placed second on the board because I’m psychotically competitive when it comes to sports.) After the workout’s swift dopamine rush, I’m feeling somewhat accomplished but I STILL WANT TO CRAWL INTO BED AND FAST FORWARD TO TONIGHT’S RIVETING EPISODE OF SHAHS OF SUNSET.

Back home, I can’t concentrate on my work assignments. I hiss at the ghastly sight of 178 unread emails in my inbox. I ignore all incoming calls. I find myself vexed by everybody’s “Today is going to be Awesome!” cheerful graphics on Facebook and Instagram. I side-eye my puppy when she cheerfully plops onto my lap. WHAT KIND OF RED-BLOODED BEING DOES THAT?

This one. And so I headed over to this platform, my blog, to let you all know that feeling un-inspired is totally normal. It doesn’t make you a bad person. There are days where all you want to do is polish off a tub of Edy’s slow-churned mint chocolate chip ice cream and mope. And possibly stalk Kendall Jenner and Justin Beiber on Instagram to decipher whether or not they’re the new Gigi Hadid and Cody Simpson.ย 

And voila! What was supposed to be a totally meh blog post is something that hopefully resonates with you. Even glass-half-full types like myself get the Monday blues. I get moody. Cranky. Tired of the hustle. But the good news is: I feel like expressing myself here got whatever was bugging me off my chest. So thanks for listening. Writing this ditty was cathartic and I suddenly feel the way Britney Spears must have felt when that loser Sam Lufti was cut out of her life and her daddy took charge of her shit.

So just know, sweet readers, that emotions are mercurial and can change quicker than you can say the dreaded word, “Monday.” Just keep on keeping on because it’s all good.



  1. Ismini
    May 4, 2015 / 1:33 pm


  2. Elise
    May 4, 2015 / 2:40 pm

    I feel ya… Well the side-eye is better than the stank eye!

  3. May 4, 2015 / 3:55 pm

    Although I still vote for going back to bed.
    Although the thought of not doing all the kazillion things I have on my list would prohibit any actual rest…

  4. Cristina
    May 4, 2015 / 7:02 pm

    We’re all entitled to a lazy day.

  5. Seba
    May 4, 2015 / 7:15 pm

    Sounds about right

  6. Vivian
    May 4, 2015 / 7:40 pm

    I love this message

  7. May 5, 2015 / 9:09 am

    Yes! (and I caught up on all the gossip…) ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Jillian Lobato
    May 5, 2015 / 2:23 pm

    It’s like you read my mind! Amen!

  9. May 5, 2015 / 4:00 pm

    High five to us.. about to get my spin on #flywheel ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Vanessa
    May 6, 2015 / 12:19 pm

    keeping on, keeping on!!!

  11. Fotini
    May 6, 2015 / 6:36 pm

    You kill me.

  12. Vivian Chaplick
    May 6, 2015 / 6:55 pm

    Tell it like it is sista

  13. May 7, 2015 / 8:04 am

    This was amazing and hilarious. You had me at Sam Lufti and Britney Spears, girl.

  14. May 12, 2015 / 3:28 pm

    The hustle is so never-ending! Can be so overwhelming sometimes but women like us always push through. So inspirational

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