Overalls & Open-Ended Questions


{Splendid overalls c/o Chloe’s of Captiva, Artesano hat, Jimmy Choo wedges, Chanel boy bag on a chain, Ray-Ban sunnies}

chanel bag


DEBBIE DOWNER ALERT: During the last few days, my parents have lost two of their closest friends. And then I woke up to the saddening news that the sweet security guard at my children’s school swiftly died from colon cancer. So naturally, I’ve been feeling out of sorts.

When learning of these morose events, I seriously began to question my own mortality and that of my family and friends. At one point, I became obsessed and afraid for my own life. During my daughter’s recent jump rope production, I teared up, wondering “What if anything happens to her? What if — bam! — I were to get sick and leave my family behind? What if…” It’s as though I opened up the floodgates to an outpouring of open-ended questions. 

AND NOW FOR THE SILVER LINING!: After some soul searching, I came to grips in knowing that God has a plan for my life, and in knowing this revelation, I have to be prepared for whatever may occur.

How about you?



  1. Elizabeth
    June 17, 2014 / 7:17 pm

    Oh gosh you made me cry! There’s no perfect way or one way to deal with loss. Not to make fun of your post, but I can’t help think about Matthew McConaughey’s motto…JKL…Just Keep Livin’. Appreciate what you have, be grateful for the loved ones that are still with you, regardless if they drive you crazy or not, and treasure every little moment.

  2. Cristina
    June 17, 2014 / 9:31 pm

    I love it when you give us some soul. Thx

  3. June 18, 2014 / 9:37 am

    I totally agree with Elizabeth’s comment…
    Enjoy every day, love your close ones every moment and embrace life whenever you can.
    That’s all we really have control over.

  4. June 19, 2014 / 12:03 pm

    It’s always better on the other side. Just something to look forward to instead of something to fear.

  5. June 19, 2014 / 6:07 pm

    Sorry to hear about all of this. We all have to treasure the time we have and make the most of it.


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