{With my fellow hosts and the Founder of Caudalíe Bertrand Thomas}
{The brand’s new Aventura Mall boutique/spa}
{Ria and I doing what we do best…drinking fine wine and chatting}
You’ve got to love a beauty brand which uses organic grape water as its key ingredient, right? Right-o. Such is the case with Caudalíe which just opened shop in Aventura Mall. The new boutique and spa houses the brand’s full line of skin care and treatment room (offering face and body treatments along with waxing services).
I was kindly asked to host the shop’s grand opening where its Founder Bertrand Thomas sweetly explained to me that Caudalíe’s genesis began in Bordeaux, at the heart of the vineyards on his family estate. There, he and his wife, Mathilde, discovered that vines and grapes possess exceptional powers for the skin. And so the brand was born in 1995.
Honestly, I can’t stress how excited I get about meeting entrepreneurs. I get goosebumps! They inspire me. They ignite that little fire under my tush to push onward and upward. And there’s always one constant theme successful people impart upon me and it’s this sage nugget: Be passionate about what you do. Listen to your gut. And never give up.
To that I raise a glass of wine and say, “cheers.”
Live for their beauty elixir!!!
Want those jeans