If you work hard for your Balenciaga budget, then lend The Wordy Girl your ears, por favor: Don’t miss Capretto Shoes’ (AKA Miami’s Shoe Mecca) President’s Day BLOW OUT tomorrow (Feb. 20 starting at 10 a.m.). All sale shoes will be marked down to rock-bottom prices. The prices go down like this — regularly priced $0 to $400 will be $99, regularly priced $401 to $800 will be $199, and regularly priced $801 and up will be $299. Yep, as in almost-free-but-not-really.
Advice: Go early, you know, the early bird catches the Miu Miu. This sale is CRAY. Capretto Shoes, 5822 Sunset Drive, South Miami; (305) 661-7767.