New Cool Brand Alert
I recently had the pleasure of co-hosting a “Moms Day Out” fashion show at Neiman Marcus Bal Harbour Shops (pinch me!) alongside fellow friends and…
I recently had the pleasure of co-hosting a “Moms Day Out” fashion show at Neiman Marcus Bal Harbour Shops (pinch me!) alongside fellow friends and…
This news just popped into my inbox so, naturally, I had to share it with you psychos! Neiman Marcus Last Call’s epic designer shoe and…
Friends! Let’s talk fall fashion and help out our local community! Join moi for a chat this Thursday, October 26 at 10:30 a.m. at Neiman…
{Shoe Designer Edgardo Osorio sketches on the spot at Neiman Marcus Bal Harbour} {Me in a Theory blouse, AG jeans, Aquazzura heels, Chanel handbag, Roberto…
Positively possessed by an acute television addiction since the ripe young age of 7 (I blame Ricky Shroder on Silver Spoons and Soleil Moon Frye…
Described as “One of the greatest jewelry designers of the 21st century,” I chat up jewelry designer Alexis Bittar who was recently at Neiman Marcus…
{I so had to procure these buttery blue Balenciagas, OBVI} (Louboutins…spotted!} {She’s a lady after my own heart} {Charlotte Olympias} {Chanels galore} {Valentinos, too!} This…