{I so had to procure these buttery blue Balenciagas, OBVI}
{She’s a lady after my own heart}
{Charlotte Olympias}
This Wednesday, tell your boss you caught the Ebola virus. Lie to your manager and tell ‘em you contracted a deadly case of Montezuma’s Revenge. Tell your kiddos mommy needs a time-out or she’ll have an EPIC meltdown. Give your husband a deep-tissue back massage. Beg your dad for some early birthday dough. You know, do whatever it takes to make it to any Last Call Neiman Marcus store nationwide because on Wednesday, March 27 at 9 a.m., there’s a super duper DESIGNER SHOE SALE, SHOE FREAKS (prices marked down up to 50%). For those of you in Miami, that means Sawgrass Mills or Dolphin Mall locations. Yep, scoop up Christian Louboutins, Blahniks, YSLs and Pradas for next-to-nada. Psst: Get to the stores early and wear your helmet — there’s a line. Every. Single. Time. And people go b-a-n-a-n-a-s.
Thanks to gal pal, Lorena, I was privy to the pre-sale over the weekend at the Sawgrass Mills store where I spotted the above bad boys in the shape of Chanel, Tom Ford, Valentino, YSL, Christian Louboutin and more. I scored the electric blue Balenciagas and leopard-print Charlotte Olympias. What’s on your must-have list?
Rockstud Valentino pump BY FAR! 5pm at Dolphin Mall…I’m there!
We never pay retail, Dionne! Thanks, Emily!
OHHH MY! Sawgrass is about to get crazy!
Crying over those Balenciaga’s. TEARS.
I know, Ria. They are so major…THE DESIGNER DEVIL MADE ME DO IT.