In typical Pisces (Read: psychotic) fashion, I was on the brink of a mental breakdown last month and blogged about it here. I was struggling with that whole work-life balance thing all mothers tussle with on a daily basis. It just so happened my dear friend/Miami-based life coach and energy healer Nikki Novo serendipitously read the post and reached out to me and the conversation went something like this:
NIKKI: “Maria, your body is out of whack. Can I come over and give you an angel reading and energy healing session?”
ME: “Um, does Kylie Jenner have an unhealthy obsession with lip fillers? YES. Come over!”
The morning of the reading I was anxious and jittery. But Nikki has this really soothing quality about her (which oftentimes makes me wonder if she’s on a constant intravenous drip of Xanax) and the moment she asked me to lie down on my couch and played some New Age-y type tunes (Enya?), I was chill like a 7-Eleven Slurpee (that may be the worst metaphor in the history of metaphors but DEAL WITH IT).
For 45 minutes, our song and dance went something like this: She asked me questions. I confessed my fears. I bitched and complained about how uninspired and empty I was feeling as of late. I told her I worry about my kids and some of their peculiar behaviors. She talked to my Guardian Angel and the spirits of my long-gone relatives (creepy yet dope). I cried. She repeated mantras to me. I laughed. I was all Zen and shit.
After all was said and done, I was — wait, wait for it — CALM and enlightened. Emphasis on the “enlightened” part. Nikki helped me wrap my head around several crucial roadblocks in my life. Here were some of the takeaways from our special meeting — beliefs I hope will benefit you just in case you feel as though you’re on the Crazy Train, too:
1.) It’s safe to relax. It’s okay to relax. Personally, I felt unproductive if my calendar wasn’t teeming with meetings/lunches/coffees/interviews. It’s perfectly safe to sit back and see where the wind takes me.
2.) Allow yourself space. Especially space in your schedule. For me, this equates to no more meaningless events. No more energy-draining appointments. No more taking up space for things that do not feed my soul.
3.) Pay attention to new creative ventures. Be open to dabbling out of your comfort zone. This is where the good stuff happens!
4.) It’s okay to say “no.” Saying “no” will, in effect, leave more space to feed your soul!
Amen to all four points and I’m happy to hear (read) that you’re feeling better.
Love the “more space” advice.
You are so lucky to have such good friends
That romper tho
this is so cute x
Love the charms
So Fashionable look
So Beautiful
So Beautiful look
So Stunning look
So Beautiful
So Stunning look