Dear 2015, You Were Awesome Sauce

best nine instgram

{My #2015BestNine on Instagram from 2015…get yours here}

Dear 2015,

You were really, really good to me. Sure, some shady shit went down (but that’s life for you, right?) but I was able to achieve several personal & career goals, and travel to more off-the-beaten-path places. It’s funny how Instagram provides the perfect summation of one’s life and my #2015BestNine included a few of my favorite things: Starfish, the ocean, ridiculous stilettos — and swimming pigs. Swine are divine (I should copy write that.)

My resolution for 2015? Last year, it was to quit dropping F-bombs (fail) and learn the art of presence (quasi success on that front). The year before? To give up my gnarly one-Parliament-a-day-smoking habit (victorious!). Before that? To stop picking at the pimples on my chin (never gonna happen). Way back when? To start a family (done times two). 

This year? I want to continue my path toward presence and to quit seeing the world through my iPhone. I’ve recently found myself dependent on the damn Apple device (well played, Steve Jobs!) and know that it’s harming my relationships and work ethic. Frankly, the number of hours spent jabbing and peering down at its screen is downright scary. And freakish. And borderline basic, to be honest.

I yearn to read more (scoop up The Nightingale if you haven’t already) and to take up tennis lessons again with my daughter because my racket is riddled with dust bunnies. I would also kill a mini horse to travel to faraway spots such as the Philippines, Morocco or the Seychelles (Universe, are you listening?). Lastly, I’d love to grow some semblance of a plump, taut ass (I blame the Kardashians for this one) through my Pilates practice. Somehow, I was born without a butt — yep, my God-given physique lacks one all together. WTF? #Robbed

So wish me luck on 2016’s goals. Some are going to be a toughies (#Help)! Which begs the question, what are your New Years resolutions?


  1. Vivian
    December 30, 2015 / 4:21 pm

    Good ones! I want to quit smoking.

  2. Cristina
    December 30, 2015 / 4:29 pm

    Good luck growing a butt

  3. December 31, 2015 / 11:19 am

    I was also born without a butt. Where can we file a complaint??

    Reading more is also one of my resolutions as well as figuring out my next step with my post-grad education.

    Much love! xo

  4. Patty
    December 31, 2015 / 5:57 pm

    I want to lose 10 pounds. Eeeeekkkkkkm

  5. Bertha Diaz
    January 4, 2016 / 9:50 am

    Very inspiring!!! I’m getting back to Pilates. The only exercise that I LOVE and the one I can actually see results on my body. Good luck growing a plump!!! You can do it!! 🙂

  6. Lana
    January 4, 2016 / 12:14 pm

    Happy New Year!

  7. Cristy
    January 7, 2016 / 8:14 am

    The puppy made it twice! Lol

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