TMI Alert: For the past month, my scalp has been itchy and flaky AF. So two weeks ago, I implored my friend Allyson to check my head for lice.
Yes, lice. Talk about embarrassing.
“Girl, you have dandruff,” she said as she picked through my scalp.
Later on in the day, she texted me this product like a solid, concerned friend should. I bought it ASAP because ‘druff is not a good look. Plus, it itches like a mofo.
Turns out that approximately 50% of the general adult population worldwide is affected by dandruff (seriously!), so while I am certainly not alone in my plight, I am totally grossed out by it.
And, as shallow as this sounds, I’m totally grossed out by adding an unsightly bottle of Selsun Blue to my well-curated shower lineup (sue me).
Two weeks into using Briogeo Scalp Revival and there’s a lot to like: The blend of peppermint, tea tree, and spearmint oils soothes itchiness and irritation on contact, while charcoal helps nix “impurities,” which I interpret as the layers of Batiste dry shampoo built up on my hair follicles. It smells good, it feels amazing, and perhaps most miraculously of all, my flakes and itchiness are gone.
Hooray for a happy ending!