You’re flying from colder-than-a-witch’s-tit climate to hotter-than-the-Mojave-Desert Miami. What’s a gal to do? If you wear pajamas to the airport, please quit reading now and save the imminent three minutes of your life while you can. Wear a trench coat with layers underneath, okay? Okeedokee. I snagged this classic Burberry beauty at Rebel’s consignment store for $250 (someone sound the saving’s alarm…whoop whoop!). Every time I wear this Brit IT cloak, I feel like Victoria Beckham for a fleeting moment. And then reality kicks in and slam-BAM-thank-you-ma’am, I realize I’m not married to that breathtaking Becks, that I don’t own billions o’ Birkins and that I don’t truly bear a British accent. Bloody rubbish, I tell you! But I’m a very lucky gal anyway.
Burberry trench coat, Seven Jeans, Jimmy Choo heels, DVF sunglasses, MAC lipstick in Rebel.
Jimmy Choo patent leather pumps.
Photos by Vas Andy