The Chicken Made Me Do It


{This chick makes a mean lemon-roasted chicken. Read on}

All it took was a chicken drumstick. To break my juice cleanse on day three, that is. I know, I’m such a weak, weak soul. A mouse. A wuss. But, man, when I took that roast chicken out of the oven on Wednesday, it looked like a Sir Pizza with pepperoni pie (a mirage?) and I just had to sink my teeth in. Along with four bowls of orzo pasta. Don’t judge.

The moral of the story, class? When on a juice cleanse, DON’T COOK YOUR FAVORITE DISH FOR OTHERS. It may seem as though I’m stating the obvious but I have to feed my progeny and can only whip up two edible dishes (baked chicken being one of them). When on a fast, being around food is the enemy. Like, Darth Vader. As in the Winklevoss twins. Like a broken heel on your fave Choos. Avoid solids like it’s a gnarly case of the clap.

And it’s not even like I was hungry because The Standard Spa Miami provides juicers with five filling juices a day but like I said, I MAKE A DAMN GOOD ROAST CHICKEN. But seriously, I lost three pounds (that’s a pound a day) and bible, the whole experience changed my outlook on food. For real. No lie. Pinky swear. The next group cleanse there commences Monday, July 23. Hit up Spa and Wellbeing Coordinator Mary Robertson by emailing [email protected] for deets. Try it and see if you can make it past day three. I double dog dare you.

{Alexis blazer, Stephen Sprouse for Louis Vuitton scarf, Target tank, J Brand jean shorts, Toms shoes, Ray-Ban sunnies}



  1. Apaps
    June 21, 2012 / 10:22 pm

    I love this!

  2. mel
    June 22, 2012 / 9:13 am

    Love the wallet!

  3. June 22, 2012 / 10:01 am

    I love a good challenge….you’re on, roasted chicken lady….
    But it will have to wait till I return in the fall and you better believe I’m coming to your house the day prior to load up on my chicken for the week…cause honestly, roasted chicken sounds amazing…even now, for breakfast.

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