I spotted these jeans on my friend Ellie recently and had to have them because of the pearls and knee slashes. Tack on the fact they’re $98 and I was totally sold. I ordered a size medium and it took a little wiggling around in ’em to stretch them out because the Napa trip weight gain is REAL.
Yeah, I put on a whopping 5 pounds (yes, I regularly weigh myself. Judge all you want as I’m very well aware I’m psychotic) while in Wine Country. I blame the 24 bottles of wine I consumed and all those late-night grilled cheese sammies ordered via room service. Oh, I also blame my hotel room’s mini bar which was brimming with Pringles and Twizzlers. Who can resist that when in a drunken stupor? Um, NO ONE. That’s who.
It’s all good. I’ve been reeling it in this week with a diet high in protein and low in carbs. Yes, salads for lunch are as depressing as an Adele song but they usually get me on track and living an #OnBrand life.
(Ruffle blouse c/o De La Heart and sequin clutch by Trica Fix)
I weigh myself every day too. I SEE YOU GIRL