Growing up, I used to make fun of my mother for a lot of things but tops on that list was her affinity for Ferragamo shoes. Flat, high-heeled, round-toe, pointy-toe, patent leather, suede, red, blue and tan, homegirl owned every color and style in production like one of those weirdos on Hoarders.
So while cleaning out my closet last week — it hit me like a flock of Ferragamo footwear (#alliteration) — that I have become my mother because I own an embarrassing amount of Chanel shoes. My husband will tell you each pair look the identical. But me? They’re all totally unique. Some are church-y. Others are sexy. Some are basic. None the less… they are unalike!
So where do you stand on this critical (and yes, vapid) debate: Are they the same or different?
Different. Duh.
Same :/