Should You Start A Blog? from Emily Nolan on Vimeo.
She’s drop-dead gorgeous (I feel like a troll/Gollum when sitting next to her). She’s extremely intelligent (business school at UNC, anyone?). And did I mention she’s the Queen of Kindness (no, really.) Recently, Emily Nolan of My Kind of Life was kind (pardon the pun) enough to reach out and interview me on the following subject: Should you start blog? I’m a huge fan of her blog which covers topics ranging from body acceptance to living a vegan lifestyle to business tips to personal development to yoga to just being plain ol’ kind. So here you go! I hope you all enjoy this funny and insightful video with the bubbly/effervescent/inspiring Emily.
She has such pretty eyes.
Nice post! Very helpful and funny interview! You both are Beautiful Ladies and successful bloggers 🙂