Join Me at the Brilliance New York Grand Opening Party!

Psst: The Wordy Girl is hosting this shindig. That means you will drink the Kool Aide and come to this get-pretty party. Besides, complimentary mini…

I’m Hooked on the Ciate Caviar Manicure

Just when I think nail art can’t get any more cray, reader Allana discovers the Ciaté Caviar Manicure. The fishy fab look came about when…

Pink Piggies

Psst: I have a confession. Whenever I see a woman with jacked-up toenails (you know the look — long, uneven and yellow-hued nails), I A)…

Kiss My Pale Pink Lips

Blame it on Lady Gaga. Blame it on the cosmetic big guns for creating another MUST HAVE gimmick. Blame it on your offbeat aunt that…

Caja Jewelry Custom ID Nametag…Mine!

Can you say, “OBSESSED”?? I finally caved in and bought the Caja Jewelry nameplate I spotted in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue back from 2010.…

Tray Magnifique!

Hubby, if you’re reading this (which, let’s be honest here, you probably aren’t. You’re either A) Working, B) Watching that boring ass Golf Channel or…

Cheap Thrills: Axe for Women

My Argentine hubby has been dousing himself in Axe since he was a tween. Before Axe hit the shelves of our neighborhood drugstore, he would…