Ask! Ask! Ask!

Cyber children, listen up! I’ve been itching to get to know you all a little bit better so I’m giving Facebook Live a stab. So I…

Cheeks On Fleek

You know I keep it real here. Over the past year, I lost 13 pounds and kept them off because I’ve drastically changed my eating…

Clean Eats to Your Doorstep

Farm-to-table eats straight to my doorstep? Sign. This. Greek. Girl. Up. Last week, the peeps at Fresh is Better sent me feel-good eats and I…


This top and pants…well, they scream of Santorini vibes and make me want to jump up and dance in a loop like a good Greek…

You Da Mom!

  Ah, Mother’s Day. Mix up some mimosas! Bust out the fine china! Or just stay in bed until noon like I do. Yep, Mother’s…

She Talks To Angels

In typical Pisces (Read: psychotic) fashion, I was on the brink of a mental breakdown last month and blogged about it here. I was struggling…

Home Freeeeeee

Hola, amigos! These pics were snapped in my uber tropical backyard in Miami and let me tell you — after 4 swift days in Milan,…