This just in: My skincare routine is more mental than yours. You see, I finally got a vampire facial with Doctor Roberta Del Campo in Miami Beach. Made famous by none other than Kim Kardashian (sorry haters, it’s true) vampire facials result in the following: Collagen stimulation, pore tightening, skin radiance, and softening of fine lines and wrinkles.
The procedure? First, Dr. Del Campo numbs the face for a solid hour. Next, she applies a light peel. Then she applies human derived growth factors, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid as she microneedles the entire face. Lastly, she applies a cooling face mask to absorb the heat and make skin appear less red. Without counting the numbing period, the procedure takes a swift 15 minutes. Talk about a quickie!
The pain factor? I’m not going to lie, I was scared the microneedling portion of the treatment was going to hurt like a mofo but as mentioned earlier, Dr. Del Campo numbed my mug so the agony factor was minimal. The only uncomfortable portion was when the microneedling roller passed along my hairline area. I’m fairly certain I screamed at her. Sorry about that! Ha.
The downtime? None. The night of the procedure I was nervous my husband was going to freak out on me but was only greeted with a curt, “Hey, you looked sunburn.” Phew!
It’s been two days and my skin’s texture feels waaaaaay smoother and my pores are much tighter. Doctor Del Campo recommends getting one vampire facial per month over the next three months for maximum collagen growth and results.
The price? $800 but Dr. Del Campo is running a special right now for $600 through August 17th. Call (305) 705-6675 for your interview…with a vampire.
Dr. Roberta Del Campo, 1691 Michigan Avenue, Suite 500, Miami Beach;