FUN FACT: I met my husband at his 20th birthday while attending the University of Florida. A friend of mine took me with the simple forewarning, “You can’t miss this guy’s parties. They’re pretty epic.” Let’s just say Sebastian knows how to throw a birthday bash. At the time, a jacuzzi tub sat smackdab in the middle of his living room which I found profoundly shady yet oddly cool. A few months later… I was smitten. #IHaveThisThingWithJacuzzis
Two weeks ago, the husband celebrated his BIG 40th birthday (dude, you’re old!) and he wanted to celebrate by hosting an intimate luncheon at our home. He gave me carte blanche with the logistics so I decided on a jewel-tone garden party (so royal!) peppered with sparkly lights. I’d like to think the end result gave Martha Stewart a run for her money if I do say so myself!
We had a blast compliments of free-flowing tequila shots and being surrounded by our adoring family and friends. Enjoy these pics — and everyone…wish Sebastian a happy 40th birthday because he’s the best! And it also marks our 20th year as soul mates.
Also, Tuesday, Oct. 11th marks the beginning of my online soul mate,’s, fall season sale! Click here to score 25 to 30% off orders. Use the code MAINEVENT16 at checkout.
{For my husband’s 40th, I wore a Santika dress c/o My Home Fashion Boutique}
Photos by Karla Garcia
A perfect 10
Your dress!
AMAZING table. AMAZING dress. Happy Birthday to the husband!
Amazing Maria!!!!! Beautiful couple, family and table!
Beautiful pictures and that color scheme….perfection!!
Looks like a fabulous soiree…
Would not have expected anything less from you, mama!
Happy (late) birthday to your hubby!
Beautiful, but what’s expected of you! And awesome story of how you met yo man! Haha
That dress is major.