Kids, listen up. The Wordy Girl is taking place in a challenge this Sunday and I’m in it to win it! Here is the deal-io: Pavan wants to bring you and a friend on a 4-day trip to France to explore Paris and the French Riviera! I know, such a totally life changing experience, think of all the clothes and the French food, sexy people and art..…oh j’adore!
OK, so this is the part where you help me help you…You see, I’m competing against five smart, stylish, cute bloggers in a blogging extravaganza AKA bloody social media wrestling death match. Well not really, but kinda. It’s called: Pavan Hits Miami Style Mafia.
All you have to do is go to Pavan’s Facebook page and drop my name. If I get major votes I will be sent to NYC to go to Fashion Week! When YOU vote, you’ll be automatically entered in a random drawing for a chance to win the amazing trip for two to Paris and the French Riviera. True Story.
So here is the dummy-proof link to vote: HERE.
Vote! Vote! Vote! Bisous.
Please note: I have been compensated by Pavan Liqueur for making these statements regarding its products.
Daniela Ramirez is my favorite blogger!
I adore Nany’s Kloset too!