A gal pal of mine, Erin Chainani, sketched this portrait of me and I have to admit — I look quite stunning — thanks, Erin! I love how Erin wielded artistic license and gave me fierce cobalt eyes and baby blue tresses. And flawless skin. And perfectly trimmed/plucked eyebrows. And good hair. And sexy pout. And zero moles. Lordy, I hate those 1,235 moles ON MY FACE.
Okee, I’m getting off track here. It happens. I blame my two children.
If you want Erin to sketch you, your child’s first toy, pet iguana, crazy Tio Esteban or anything, really, she’ll put her watercolors, bits of gouaches, pencils and pens to work for you. It’s easy-peasy, just e-mail Erin a picture by browsing over to here: www.firstfriendsportraits.com.