Tom Ford is killing it — particularly in the sunglass department. I wore his Whitney style for three years in a row (that’s, like, a record for the record) and finally broke down and bought this new, rounder style called Clothilde. I know, totes whack name — how does one even pronounce that? Anyhoo, allow me to let you in on a little secret…The Wordy Girl never pays retail. Here’s how this frugalista rolls: I pop into a may-jah department store and peruse the sunglass department à la stealth mode like a friggin’ Navy Seal (dolled up in Seven jeans and an Equipment blouse, natch). Once I find a pair that tickles my fancy, I’ll memorize the style number or name which is located on one of the inner arms of the sunglasses. Then, I’ll hightail it home and surf on over to eBay. Just type in the brand and style number and voila — Tom Fords for $140 or even less! Ain’t nothing shady about that.
Photo by Vas Andy