I can’t believe I’m making this embarrassing proclamation on the interwebs BUT one of my superficial New Years resolutions this particular year was to stop picking at my face. There I said it. Since middle school, I’ve been addicted to squeezing every single pore on my face which invariably makes my skin look like a war zone the day after. You know what I mean… The next-day scabs are real! And what was once a blackhead invariably becomes a cyst out of sheer rebellion (or so I think).
So 2017 will be the year I break this horrible habit! Pray for me.
With the latter said, I decided to start an entirely new skincare regimen, too (because I’m a drama queen, obvs). You see, Obagi was making my face too red and irritated (waah!) so I’m giving Clarins a whirl because both my mama and mother-in-law swear by it and they’re both boss babes. Like, they’re both #MomGoals. Anyhoo, I’m two weeks in on my new Clarins cleanser, toner, moisturizers, masks and eye cream and I AM LOVING THE RESULTS! Thus far, I’m noticing smaller pores, a firmer texture to my skin, and less breakouts on my chin. SUCCESS!
Hello, Gorgeous!